The Big Short!

“Cynicism is easy. Mimicry is easy. Optimistic contrarians are the rarest breed.”


This movie makes me feel sane.

It is the true story Michael Burry who, in 2008, realized that a number of subprime home loans are in danger of defaulting and bet against the housing market. He saw it and it was so obvious yet it is just crazy how others reacted!

I watch it over and over again. It is a TRUE Story. Some might find it boring, i find it soothing – it explains to me how obvious common sense can be uncommon! And Although the letter that Michael Burry wrote while closing Scion fund is not the real one but its essence is true. The one in the movie sums it for me!

The Make/Stay in Business at Any Cost Mentality…

“Making money is not like what I thought it would be. This business kills the part of life that is essential, the part that has nothing to do with business….”

The Compliance and Cancel your Brain Mentality

“People want an authority to tell them how to value things, but they choose this authority not based on facts or results. They choose it because it feels authoritative and familiar.”
