The Power of Unconditional Love

My best parenting and personal relation advice came from Warren Buffet!   Warren said that the best advise he received was from his parents was the power of unconditional love.

Reflecting on it, the one thing that  gave me power and confidence despite all my shortcomings was the unconditional love of my parents but somehow i was not giving it to my children in the same way.

To know that you can always come back and not be judged, gives you the freedom to fail and that is where great successes comes from, as per Warren statements.

The same thought came across the busy Mark Zuckerberg Harvard graduation speech where he mentions clearly that the cushion to fall back on if he failed was key to the power of his attempts – he said clearly that “if i didn’t know i will be fine if facebook didn’t work then i wouldn’t be standing here today”

I fixed my relation with my kids specially my son because of the power of unconditional love and i lost precious few relations because of their conditional love…